Air (2023)
The story of of shoe salesman Sonny Vaccaro, and how he led Nike in its pursuit of the greatest athlete in the history of basketball: Michael Jordan.
The Fifth Element (1997)
A futuristic cabbie battles to save the world.
Jackie Brown (1997)
An air hostess becomes involved in a plot to take down a drug dealer.
Rush Hour (1998)
Culture-clash crime and chop-socky romp.
Rush Hour 3 (2007)
Jackie Chan kicks his way through Paris in martial arts sequel.
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
A man trying to reconcile with his wife after a stint in a mental institution finds things get complicated when he meets a mystery girl.

Anything for love Emma Higgins on teenage frustration, good intentions and Sweetness

Time for trans joy Siobhan McCarthy on reinventing the high school movie in She’s The He

Making the running Paige Bethmann and Jessica Epstein on history, storytelling and Remaining Native

The outlaw Karan Kandhari on artistic inspirations and Sister Midnight

Rediscovering her voice Alex Burunova on subverting narrative expectations in Satisfaction

For the sake of belonging Michael Premo and Rachel Falcone on going inside MAGA to make Homegrown

Glasgow gears up for short film festival GFT, Civic House and Grosvenor to host

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